Meet the Beewisers: François – Senior Mobile App Developer
Find out more about François – Senior Mobile App Developer.
Today we would like to introduce you to one of our newest team members: François, Senior Mobile App Developer at Beewise. Delve into his world, where professional achievements and personal passions intertwine, shaping the future of finance with a unique blend of creativity and precision. Let’s get into it, shall we?
About François
You might have already guessed it by his name but François is French! He was born in Nancy and spent many years living in the area. His academic journey unfolded at the University of Lorraine, where he earned a DUT (Diplôme universitaire de technologie), a qualification that no longer exists—François jokes about feeling old because of this. His thirst for knowledge didn’t stop there; he further pursued a Bachelor’s and a Master’s in Computer Science at the same university, specializing in software development. Between his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, François took some time to work in Paris for EBP, a company that develops accounting software. Following his Master’s, he embarked on a career at ARHS, where he remained for nearly five years. During this time, he worked on numerous projects, significantly expanding his skills and expertise in the field.
His passions and dreams
François’ true passion lies in activities such as gardening, cooking, drawing, coding, and DIY projects. What ties all these interests together is the element of creation; in each activity, there’s something to be crafted. So you could kind of say that his true passion is crafting and creating.
Because François is a quite grounded, resourceful, and pragmatic individual, his dreams tend to be achievable goals. For instance, one of his biggest dreams at the moment is traveling to Thailand to see and interact with elephants. He finds them incredibly intriguing, with their high intelligence and social skills.
So now that you have gotten to know Francois a bit better, can you guess which one of these fun facts is true?
1. He has gone skydiving.
2. He broke both legs skiing.
3. He’s quite skilled at fishing.
How François became a Beewiser
Before joining Azimut, he had been extensively working with one technology: React Native. Like anything, it offered its perks but also came with its drawbacks, leading him to explore native languages more thoroughly, which he found enjoyable. This exploration sparked an interest in seeking further opportunities to leverage these technologies. Additionally, he had begun to feel it was time to embrace new professional challenges, and that’s why he became more receptive to new opportunities. Towards the end of 2023, he read articles about Kotlin Multiplatform and decided to experiment with it on personal projects. He found the experience rewarding and hoped to utilize it more extensively. Just a few weeks later, he was approached for a job at Beewise that utilized exactly this technology. He interpreted this as a sign and embraced the opportunity.
As a developer, the first aspect that captured his attention about the project was the technology it was built with: Kotlin Multiplatform. He viewed it as a very powerful tool and had observed its development and increasing adoption by major players in the IT industry, including Google. The opportunity to work with such technology on a growing project excited him greatly. After he found out that Beewise is an investment app designed to be accessible to everyone—simple, intuitive, yet comprehensive enough to stand out amongst existing apps, he was thoroughly convinced of its potential.
His main role at Beewise involves managing the technical aspects of the project, making sure that new features are delivered to clients efficiently and effectively, without accumulating excessive technical debt or bugs. Practically, this includes coding and resolving issues, as well as extensive collaboration with various partners, such FundsDLT and InTech. The aim is to facilitate as smooth a development process for the app as possible.
When we asked François what his favorite Beewise portfolio is, he said it definitely is the Environment portfolio. It’s widely acknowledged that climate change is an ongoing issue, and humanity must adapt whether it wishes to or not. Every day, more initiatives emerge aiming to combat this challenge and discover new solutions. He believes these efforts will only increase in the years to come and stresses the importance of supporting them. This makes it his favorite portfolio: both impactful and promising. Together, all the little efforts we make as a society can make a big difference as a whole, and François’ favorite quote perfectly illustrates this: “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” – Winston Churchill.