Beewise App

The Beewise Bee

The compelling story behind the Beewise bee – who it is and why you need it in your life.

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Today we are here to tell you the exciting story behind the Beewise Bee. Hopefully, after reading this short and fun story you’ll get a better sense of who the Beewise bee is, and why you need it in your life.

The Bee Community

Since the beginning of time, bees have been known to be tiny but clever creatures. Together they manage to create a synergy like no other, making them capable of reaching impressive results. They are a strong community of hard workers: they buzz from flower to flower collecting nectar, little by little, and they turn it into precious honey. They have an impressive level of productivity and determination, which enables them to stay focused and achieve their goals. While they work to make their hive richer and stronger, they also do something for the whole ecosystem, pollinating the food we need to survive and many of the trees and flowers that provide habitats for wildlife. These amazing creatures inspire our philosophy, which includes empowerment, trust, meaningfulness, and togetherness. They represent the attitude of the brand, and of all the Beewisers.

What’s so special about the Beewise Bee?

Our bee is not just any bee. Our little Beewise bee is a true inspirational companion who you want to have around you at all times. It flies by your side, guiding you in the right direction. Going together through the ups and downs, it spreads its positivity with its tiny but powerful wings showing you what you are truly capable of. Even though it might not always be very visible, it is always there trying to understand and help you with smart advice. Its wisdom is a key component in making this happen, trying to convert complex concepts into easy-to-understand and light topics.

Ultimately, our Beewise bee wants to help you pursue your dreams no matter how far out of reach they might seem.

As Theodore Roosevelt said: “Believe you can, and you’re halfway there.”

Achieving these dreams and goals are what will make you enjoy your life to the fullest. Our Beewise bee definitely likes to remind us of this too, showing that sometimes we need to slow down to smell the flowers and taste the sweetness of life.

Do you want a companion like our Beewise bee in your life? Then make sure to pre-register for the Beewise app to start investing in a better future.

Noémie Van Maercke
October 2021