Life Goals

6 ways to train your brain

A list of activities you can take up to improve your memory.

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When we are little we absorb things like sponges. As we grow up, we seem to slowly start losing this natural ability and we simply need to put in a bigger effort in order to keep our brain on track. With technology evolving over the past years the necessity to remember things has also decreased enormously. Nowadays, when you have a question or you are looking for a certain piece of information you search it online. Having that new mindset of knowing we can find anything online, has in a way made our brains lazier when it comes to memorizing. This does not mean that the usage of technology has reduced our capacity to memorize, but rather that it has decreased the need for it. Nonetheless, this does not make our memory any less important. It is essential for us to keep training our memory as it is a discipline for the mind and fundamental to learning.

While in the past people believed that the brain stops growing at a certain age, it is now believed that the brain never stops changing in response to learning. The human brain is able to adapt, master new skills, store memories and information. However, as we get older and gain new experience, neurons that are used frequently develop stronger connections, and those that are rarely used eventually die. That’s why it is very important to keep training those parts of our brain that we do not use frequently enough. So how can you start training your brain? There are many easy activities you can take up to slowly but surely upskill your brain.

1. Learn a new language

Learning a language is a great workout for your brain. Not only is it useful to know several languages, but it can also be a great way to improve your memory, thinking skills, and concentration. You could start by trying to learn a certain number of new words each day until you have a decent vocabulary. Once you have a good grasp of the vocabulary, you can continue this together with learning the grammar. If you like to adopt a more modern way to learn a language, the apps Duolingo and Busuu are very useful tools to help you learn your language starting from zero.

2. Learn how to play an instrument

Have you always been interested in learning to play an instrument? Whether it is the guitar, the piano, the flute, or any other instrument, it has been proven to stimulate the brain. As it requires you to use both sides of your brain, it helps you improve your memory power, abstract reasoning skills, and creativity. On top of that, studies have shown that it also helps relieve stress, and boost literacy skills.

3. Learn to dance

While most of us like to dance for fun, there are many perks attached to it that you might have never thought about before. Especially choreographed dancing can be a great way to train the brain. This activity requires a lot of focus as you need to remember every step in the right order at a fast pace. Having to make these split-second decisions increases your cognitive and physical memory. If dancing is not within your element, there are tons of other sports you can do. Aerobic exercise, which includes running, swimming, skating, and biking, pumps blood to specific parts of the brain that improve your memory and sharpness. In general, it can be said that any sport that is good for your heart is good for your brain too.

4. Read more books

While in the past most information was absorbed through text, today we live in a world where we mainly consume information digitally through visuals. While it is true that we retain information more easily and faster through visuals or videos, it still is better to continue reading books too as it stimulates your mind cognitively. Just like it takes practice and maintenance to perform well in sports, our memory needs to be maintained too. Reading on a regular basis does exactly this and consequently increases your brainpower, including your memory.

5. Sleep enough

Next, we have the most effortless way to keep your brain on track. Sometimes the answer is simple, and in this case, it is. As our brain needs enough sleep to function, it is very important to make sure that you get enough sleep and maintain a fixed sleeping pattern. More specifically, sleep appears to have a significant role in dendritic formation in the brain, according to research. Dendrites are the extensions of neurons that aid in the transmission of information from one neuron to the next. By strengthening these connections, you may be able to encourage greater brain plasticity, which enables us to learn.

6. Use apps to train your brain

For those who feel like they do not have the time to take up any of the activities we shared above to train your brain, we have one great alternative for you. Whenever you do have some time to dedicate to help improve your memory, you can start right away at the tip of your finger. There are many apps that you can use to help you improve your brain. To give you a headstart you can go through some of the following apps to see which one would be the best fit for you: Elevate, Peak, Lumosity, Memorado, or NeuroNation.

Noémie Van Maercke
September 2022