Life Goals

How to pursue your passions so you can find your bliss

Encouragement and advice for exploring and pursuing personal interests and hobbies.

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How to pursue your passions, goals, and dreams to find bliss? Good question. Bliss as we understand it in Western cultures is a state of profound happiness, joy, and contentment. Feeling blissful will leave you feeling satisfied, fulfilled, and enjoying a deep sense of inner peace. It’s more than just a feeling, it is a state of well-being.

Experiencing deep and genuine bliss can be triggered by various factors, such as personal achievements, deep and loving connections with others, moments of beauty and awe, and succeeding at pursuing one’s goals and passions. It’s a very subjective emotional state, and it’s hard to write a one-fits-all manual on how to find it, as it differs enormously from person to person.

Blissful people are usually pleasant to be around, as they often associate life with a sense of harmony, gratitude, and a feeling of wholesomeness and alignment. Bliss is truly a desirable state, it’s often advertised as the “thing to be”, it’s important however to note that it is not a permanent nor a constant condition. Life is dynamic, emotions fluctuate, and trying to “get stuck” in a blissful state of being means neglecting the full range of human experiences

When it comes to pursuing your passions self-reflection is a powerful tool for growth and understanding. You’ll be faced with challenges such as forced introspection and consideration of your thoughts and actions, and the honest assessment of your values and goals. To make it easier for yourself you might want to start by asking yourself open-ended questions, such as:

What are my values and beliefs?
What am I good at?
What am I not good at?
What brought me joy the last time I felt happy?
Do my actions align with my goals and values?

Here is some advice on books for self-reflection:

The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle

This book explores the importance of living in the present moment and letting go of past regrets and future anxieties. It encourages self-awareness and mindfulness.

Atomic Habits” by James Clear

We’ve talked about Atomic Habits before, but it’s always a good idea to go over it again: Focused on habit formation, this book helps you understand how small changes can lead to significant personal development. It’s a practical guide to self-improvement and reflection.

The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz

Ruiz presents four principles for personal freedom and fulfillment based on ancient Toltec wisdom. The book encourages reflection on how you approach life and relationships.

Once you’ve done enough self-reflection you might be at the point where your passions are clear and can become a goal. Break down these goals into smaller steps and create something both challenging and achievable. Provide yourself with a sense of direction while following closely and tracking your progress.

Embracing this learning process means being open to acquiring new skills and finding the courage to try new things and see new places.

Finding the courage to try new things

You might have secret skills you’d be great at that you don’t even know about yet. Embarking on a new experience and trying new things can be a daunting process, yet the rewarding personal growth and new discoveries you might make down the line often outweigh the initial fears you might have.

1. Identify your fears

This point goes back to the list of questions I talked about earlier in the article. Clearly articulate and acknowledge the specific fears or anxieties holding you back. By identifying these concerns, you can address them more effectively and understand that they are often exaggerated.

2. Start small

Begin with manageable challenges. Gradually exposing yourself to new experiences allows you to build confidence incrementally. Succeeding at smaller challenges will help you realize you’ve got what it takes to take on bigger ones.

3. Focus on the positive outcome

Envision the positive outcomes and potential benefits of trying something new. Consider the personal growth, skills gained, and joy experienced rather than dwelling on potential failures.

4. Embrace discomfort

Understand that discomfort is a natural part of growth. Accept that stepping outside your comfort zone is necessary for progress and development.

5. Seek support

Share your intentions with supportive friends or family members. Having a supportive network can provide encouragement, advice, and a sense of accountability.

6. Set realistic expectations

Avoid setting unrealistic expectations for yourself. Recognize that not every new experience needs to be perfect, and there will be bumps along the way.

7. Celebrate your efforts

Acknowledge and celebrate your courage, effort, and progress, regardless of the outcome. Recognize that the act of trying itself is an achievement.

How to network with people with similar interests as me if I never leave the house?

I’ve mentioned before that building a social circle and networking are important factors when it comes to finding out about passions and getting inspired by others, but how to network with people if you spend most of your day at home?

You might be very busy, work from home, or just dislike leaving your comfort zone, there are many factors that make meeting people and making connections difficult. Here are some strategies to build connections and engage with like-minded individuals from under the blankets on your couch.

Online communities and forums

Join online communities, forums, and social media groups related to your interests or that you might feel could be a match. Platforms like Reddit, Steam Community, Facebook, or other specialized forums provide spaces to connect with people who share your passions.

Enroll in online courses related to your interests. Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, or Skillshare often have discussion forums where you can connect with fellow learners.

Start a blog or podcast

Share your thoughts, experiences, and expertise by starting a blog or podcast. This will 100% attract like-minded individuals who are probably going to interact with your content and help you improve and expand your passions.

Laura Ghiretti
April 2024